Young people can chat with a trained and safely recruited Youth Worker online via voice call or messaging to support them with their anxieties and worries about life, Covid-19, returning to or starting a new school in September.
Thank you so much for continuing to support our students at this time.
Guildford County School
How will it work?
Young people who want to take part in this service will be sent an appointment at a specific time to meet online with a Youth Worker using Google Meet and have a chat about how they are doing. All appointments will be between 10.00am and 5.00pm and will last no longer than 30mins.
Currently no video calls will take place, instead messaging or audio will be used and then recorded for safeguarding purposes. Young people will need parental permission to sign up.
Who can get an appointment?
This service is for children in secondary schools from Yr 7 to Yr 13, or moving to secondary school in September 2020. If you would like an appointment, please either contact your school first who can refer you to us directly (George Abbot or Guildford County schools only) or email us directly to request an appointment: [email protected]
What if I still have questions?
If you have any questions then call 01483 574900 and the Matrix Team can help you. Parents can also download further details here: