What a year we had! Working with 2932 young people across 16 projects, with nearly 300 of these seeing us regularly for ongoing, in-depth support making a positive impact on their lives.
Last academic year, the Matrix team (8 staff and 25 volunteers) developed and ran innovative and engaging programmes for young people in schools and the community across Guildford, broadening our remit and catering for new needs as they emerged.
We partnered with 5 local schools, running weekly one-to-one mentoring, lunchtime drop-ins, prayer spaces, social action workshops and Wellbeing Days (with over 500 Year 7’s).
89 young people benefited from regular one-to-one support at George Abbot and Guildford County school helping students overcome a variety of issues, including self-esteem, anxiety, friendships and how to manage feelings and mental health when life it tough. One young person told us that ‘Matrix youth workers had been a “lifeline” for her’.
In the community we made a positive impact by partnering with churches and volunteers across the town to deliver 126 Youth Hub sessions in key areas of need, and launched a new monthly initiative in Onslow. In the holidays, 43 young people took part in fun and innovative activities, such as a ‘mocktail’ workshop, escape room, scavenger hunt and outdoor cinema, reducing social isolation and relieving holiday boredom.
Over 60% of young people have made new friends as a result of Youth Hubs this year, and 80% of told us that Youth Hub has had a positive impact on their life!
We’re really excited about this new year with new programmes starting in November and the Spring. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see what we’re up to week-to-week.
Misty, CEO